SDFR Firefighters Represent Shaunavon at National & Worlds Level

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Great job to Corey Gulaga and Riley Malone of the Shaunavon District Fire & Rescue for their achievements at this year’s FireFit Worlds & Canadian National Championships in Spruce Meadows, AB!

Corey Gulaga placed 3rd overall in the Chief’s division in the Nationals Championship.

Riley Malone, Corey Gulaga and a firefighter from Edmonton competed in the Team Relay and won Silver in the World’s Championship.

Riley and Corey both performed well in their individual competitions, where they each achieved new personal bests.

Riley and Corey also ended with a great time in their Tech2 race but were sadly disqualified due to a tank falling out of the harness during the relay.

We are so proud of our firefighters who did an amazing job representing Shaunavon at a National and Worlds level! Congratulations on your successes and hard work!

View more videos on the FireFit Championships page!