Join the Town of Shaunavon team this summer!! The Town of Shaunavon is accepting applications for the following Summer 2025 Positions: Swimming Pool Manager Assistant Pool Manager/Head Instructor Lifeguard/Instructor Summer Active Coordinator Parks Department *For the full Job Description please visit * DEADLINE TO APPLY: FEBRUARY 28TH AT 4PM Applicants should clearly indicate the following information in their resume: Their area of post-secondary study or level of education Any previous related work and/or volunteer experience Date available to begin work PARKS DEPARTMENT APPLICATIONS: contact Ron Phillips at phillips.
Saturday, December 9 The Museum, Gallery, & Library have lots of activities planned for the afternoon of Boomtown Christmas – check out the poster for the complete list.
And you won’t even have to go home and cook supper before the parade, because we will be hosting a FUNDRAISING HOT DOG SALE that evening. We appreciate your support – all funds will help to cover the costs of our free children’s programs (Kid’s Corner, Toddler Time, School Programs, & more). AND the Hot Dogs will be DELICIOUS!!