Join the Town of Shaunavon team this summer!! The Town of Shaunavon is accepting applications for the following Summer 2025 Positions: Swimming Pool Manager Assistant Pool Manager/Head Instructor Lifeguard/Instructor Summer Active Coordinator Parks Department *For the full Job Description please visit * DEADLINE TO APPLY: FEBRUARY 28TH AT 4PM Applicants should clearly indicate the following information in their resume: Their area of post-secondary study or level of education Any previous related work and/or volunteer experience Date available to begin work PARKS DEPARTMENT APPLICATIONS: contact Ron Phillips at phillips.
In accordance with Section 10 of the Local Government Election Act, 2015, a poll has been granted for the election of: 1- Mayor: Town of Shaunavon 6- Councillors: Town of Shaunavon
The Town of Shaunavon does not maintain a voters list. You will NOT receive a voter’s card in the mail. All eligible voters are required to make a declaration and PROVIDE AN ACCEPTABLE FORM OF ID AT THE POLL.
ELIGIBILITY To vote in a city, town or village election in Saskatchewan, you must: • be a Canadian citizen; • be at least 18 years of age; • have lived in Saskatchewan for at least six consecutive months immediately before election day and: a. lived in the municipality (or on land now in the municipality) for at least three consecutive months immediately before election day; or b. be the owner of assessable land situated in the municipality (or land now situated in the municipality) for at least three consecutive months immediately before election day. Click Herefor full information on voting and eligibility. *Voters with a disability or limited mobility: Voters may request assistance if they are unable to read or are otherwise unable to vote in the manner described in the Local Government Election Act, 2015 – read it at
You must provide acceptable voter identification and complete a Voter Registration Form to vote in the municipal election.
Acceptable Identification:
- Government-issued, valid, photo ID that lists your name and current address (e.g. Saskatchewan Driver’s License), OR
- two other pieces of ID, both of which contain your name and at least one of which contains your address (e.g. Saskatchewan Health card AND a recent utility bill).
If you do not have a valid photo ID, you can acquire a non-driver’s photo ID from SGI in about 10 business days. Please see the Government of Saskatchewan’s website for a complete list of identity verification options.
HOW MANY PEOPLE CAN I VOTE FOR? You are entitled to vote for one (1) mayor and UP TO six (6) councillors.
WHERE CAN I VOTE? ELECTION DAY: Wednesday November 13th - Polls will be open from 9:00AM to 8:00PM at:
- Poll #1 – Grand Coteau Heritage & Cultural Centre Community Room
- Poll #2 – Crescent Point Wickenheiser Centre **Advance Polls are scheduled for November 7, 2024 at the following dates and times:
- Evergreen Villa For Staff & Residents Only: 9AM – 11AM
- Shaunavon Hospital & Care Centre LongTerm Care For Staff & Residents Only 2PM – 4PM
- Grand Coteau Heritage & Cultural Centre Community Room: 9AM – 5PM Mail-In Ballot option is NOT available for the 2024 Municipal Election in the Town of Shaunavon.